
When it comes to lead generation. One of the biggest missed opportunities I see is REPURPOSING content. Either people don't realize what is possible, or it can seem overwhelming. There are a slew of strategies that will make repurposing content for lead generation quick and EASY!

Let's make the most of of every effort you are putting into to lead generation and sales!Β Get time back, bring in more leads, and bring in more SALES!

There are two things that I hear all the time. One is, “Ugh, I went live andΒ nobody showed up. There's no point in me doing this!” The other is, “Molly, how theΒ heck do you create so much content?” Β I'm going to solve bothΒ of those problems and tell you how rad it is to repurpose.

Here are some best practices and tips for your repurposing so that when you set up your videos in the first place, repurposing content for lead generation will be even easier.

1. Know The Point

First, you have to know what the point of this is. Have a goal and anΒ objective for your video. What sort of result do you want to see in your
business? And, where are you planning to repurpose it? The best way toΒ do this is to start with the ending. If you know all the places you want to
repurpose it, it'll be easier to create the content. Set your video up in a way that it isΒ perfectly designed so that it can be chopped up and used other places.

2. Make It Evergreen

Secondly, it is easy being evergreen.Β Sometimes people get so stressed out about this, and they worry, “Oh my gosh I
said it was Monday and now they're going to watch this on a Tuesday.” DoΒ your best to keep things evergreen. For example, don't mention holidays, days of the week or the date.Β Β This way that you can repurpose it.

3. Track Your Traffic

Next, track your traffic. You want to be using things like UTMΒ codes, PrettyLinks, bot links or separate opt-in pages if that's what works for you.
Regardless of what it is, you want to track whereΒ your traffic is coming. If you are putting all of this effort out, and you all
of the sudden get a big boost in traffic, you want to know where is that comingΒ from and how can I double down!

4. Keep It Separated

Then you want to keep it separated. I personally do not like theΒ strategy where you livestream into more than one place at the same exact time.
It decreases the social proof, it decreases your ability to follow up using aΒ retargeting add. Also, it decreases the community feeling because people areΒ commenting in all different places. Go live in one place, then repurpose it.Β There is no need to go live in a bunch of places at once, unless you have a really specificΒ strategy for that.

5. Recognize the Value

Recognize the value, not only for your community, but also for theΒ communities of other people. Partner up with some power partners! Β Think about whoΒ you can gift your videos to and then put an affiliate link on it. Then they can share itΒ with their community and make some money down the road when youΒ make an offer. Or think about power partners, whose videos you could share so that you could be an affiliate. There's really cool ways that repurposing an be usedΒ for affiliate marketing.

6. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Reduce, reuse, recycle? First, reduce, focus on one place where you're going to deliver content first beforeΒ you start breaking off into other places. Next, see how you can reuse it. Ask yourself how you canΒ chop it up, turn it into photos, graphics, blog posts, videos, and so on? Lastly,
recycle it. Once you have done this, you want to have an ongoingΒ list.

Your audienceΒ needs to hear the same lessons over, and over, and over again. So if you're justΒ going live and keeping it hidden somewhere, what good does it do? If you are not actually puttingΒ it back out there again, and again, and again, you are doing them a

Repurposing content for lead generation is RAD! Are you ready to watch a replay of the training! Watch it now and get our brand new repurposing guide.

Start by grabbing your free trial of BeLive! Www.thepreparedperformer.com/belive which makes starting the repurposing process a piece of cake!

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