

Molly Mahoney is a Camera Confidence Coach, Facebook Live Expert, Messenger Bot Ninja, #1 best selling author, and owner of The Prepared Performer. She is known for energizing a room, and inspiring others to step into an elevated sense of their own awesome, and making the technical and overwhelming easy and fun!

She  pulls from her vast experience touring the world working professionally as a performer for more than 10 years, and delivers clear steps that allow business owners to step into their spotlight so they can build their audience and boost their sales with clarity, confidence, and joy.

Molly is currently booking speaking engagements for the end of 2021

Please view her speaker kit by clicking here and email her at Molly@ThePreparedPerformer.com if you are interested.


By 2018 over 80% of online content will be video. That is huge! You can either master the skills now and be the first to the party, or wait and catch up after the party is in full swing… missing out on the connections to potential clients and champions of your business. Camera Confidence Coach, Molly Mahoney, suggests you develop the skill sets needed to use video effectively in your business now so that you can build your audience and boost your sales. She’s share tips that will boost your confidence, fine tune your speaking skills, and allow you to repurpose your live video content powerful
Key Takeaways
Fine Tune Your Speaking Skills
Feel Confident Sharing Your Value on Camera
Lean Several Ways to Powerfully Repurpose Your Videos


Simply put, a messenger bot is a way to automate your client interaction via your Facebook Business Page. It’s similar to email automation. However, the average email open rate is right around 20% and Messenger open rates average around 80%.

The good news is, almost the entire online population is on Facebook! 2 Billion People to be exact. If you have these new connection and follow-up systems in place, it’s easy to find your client and build deeper connections with loads of people at once.

I’ve seen messenger bots bring in over 40 sales in just a short amount of time… twice! I once had 40 sales in 30 mintues, and then my client had 47 sales in 2 hours. All because of a messenger bot!

These “little friends” work, and they work well! The time to jump in and create a bot of your own is now.

If you are using Facebook, Facebook Live, or Facebook groups, and you aren’t using Messenger Automation, you are seriously missing out!

The problem is… most business owners find the tools to be confusing and I’ve seen many entreprenuers make embarrassing mistakes that have put a damper on their brand.

Molly will give you clear steps to setting up your bot the right way so you can make deeper connections, welcome more clients, and make a bigger impact on the world.


PERFORMANCE POWER: Clarity, Confidence, and Joy. 

Have you ever wished you could summon the confidence of a Broadway performer? Would you like to walk into any situation and take command with a fearless sense of clear, focused determination? Would you like to present yourself with a contagious, positive energy, leaving others begging for an encore? You can!

After years of performing in NYC, Las Vegas, Regional Theaters, and on Cruise Ships, Molly Mahoney has taken all that she has learned as a performer and reformatted it into a teachable system.

This system will give you the power to attack your goals and wow your clients with Clarity, Confidence, & Joy. This boost of performance power is the perfect polishing touch for connecting with others and making a real impact, from your first impression to every connection you make along the way. After experiencing a boost of Molly’s “performance power,” you’ll bring a newfound sense of stage presence with you as you take your own “show” on the road.

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We will explore the importance of bringing a sense of stage presence into ones life. Utilizing Improv Games and techniques practiced by professional performers, we will show your team how to jump in and bring their best self to the table. Each staff member will leave with a greater sense of confidence in expressing themselves and inspiring those around them. “All the World’s a Stage… and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. And one man in his time plays many parts.” Shakespeare really said it best.


As a performer, memorizing lines in a play is really only half of the battle. Before we earn a role, we have to audition. The audition process often involves a mini interview. A true performer works to speak intentionally by knowing what kind of a message they want to convey. The same rules apply for all working professionals. We will work to help your team members establish their own personal message, and we will develop tools that will effectively get that message across.


Do you ever wonder how performers always manage to muster up the energy to put on a fabulous show? Sometimes three or four times in one day while on tour, where they are sleeping on a bus! In this fast paced day and age, all working professionals deal with a sense of burn-out and stress. We will use tricks that performers have been practicing for centuries to help fill our days with a contagious energy, a real sense of electricity, and confidence.


“Our chapter had the incredible pleasure of having Molly Mahoney as our June 2016 speaker. She was amazing! Molly’s energy took our chapter to a whole new level. Her tips were concrete, informative, and actionable. We learned so much from her speech and all agreed, this was the best speaker we’ve ever had. We highly recommend her for any group seeking to improve their speaking skills and learn how to be prepared performers – because that is definitely who Molly is and what she personifies” Carol Soloway, D.C. NAPW – North OC Chapter President.

Our staff loved the Performance Power Program! They have not stopped talking about it. I have definitely seen a difference in their energy level and ability to bring a sense of stage presence to their interaction with the community. We can’t wait for you to come back!” – Katie Elmore, Assistant Recreation Manager, City of La Habra

Our youth leadership team LOVED working with Molly and the Performance Power Program. They opened up and connected freely about their fears related to confidence and public speaking. By the end of the 45 minutes they were filled with energy, ready to share the confidence building tricks they had learned with others in the community. Every time I mention having a guest speaker, they ask when Molly is coming back. We I highly recommend the Performance Power Program for other teen leadership organizations.” – Melissa Flores, Recreation Specialist, City of La Habra.

“Our program facilitators and parents said nothing but wonderful things about your visit!! We are extremely grateful for your support in our mission to break the cycle of violence. Please let us know any question and we look forward to having you visit again in the near future. Thank you!!” – Idalia Lazo-Bautista Orange County Family Justice Center

Molly Mahoney is not only a fabulous performance coach–she is a natural at business strategy. She knows exactly how to guide your set-up, helps you define and achieve your goals, and challenges you to do more than you thought you could. I can’t recommend her highly enough for all things business.” Drew Boudreau, College Audition Professionals

Working with Molly has been an incredible experience! Her bubbly personality makes you feel completely at ease when you work with her. I like to call myself a ‘shower’ singer and when it was time for me to prep for the Talent portion of Miss City of Orange, I was a ball of nerves. Molly helped me overcome this obstacle through our lessons and Ghost Light Vocal Jam. Through Vocal Jam, I was able to practice in front of an audience that was a judgement-free zone! This practice gave me an extra boost of confidence before taking the stage the night of competition. Thank you, Molly, for helping me reach my goal of becoming Miss City of Orange and being a rock star!” – Paula Verkuylen, Miss City of Orange, 2015

If you need to learn how to repurpose content, where the folders are on Facebook, or how to build a massive email list, I can help. Schedule a business growth consultation today and we’ll get you started.