by Molly Mahoney | Dec 1, 2015 | Singing, Vocal Health
I could talk for WEEKS about vocal placement. Today, I’m focusing simply on head and chest voice. Let’s face it… Flipping between chest and head voice can be a bugger! This will help!!...
by Molly Mahoney | Jul 7, 2015 | Singing
Hi all! Time for another Quick Tip Tuesday. This one is a little longer than most, but it’s AMAZING because Andrew Byrne busts out his awesome MOVEABLE LARYNX. I’m in love with this thing! Check out what is really happening while you sing and learn tricks...
by Molly Mahoney | Jun 23, 2015 | Singing
Have you been keeping up with our Quick Tip Tuesdays? I love the tip from this week! Check it out below and sign up to have them sent straight to your inbox at [leadplayer_vid...
by Molly Mahoney | Jun 2, 2015 | Singing
Sooooo excited!!! New crazy quick and easy tips for performers every Tuesday!! This week I give you a tip that will help you to have a clearer more contemporary singing voice! Click here to get the tip!
by Molly Mahoney | Mar 12, 2015 | Acting, Balance, Broadway, Confidence, Family, Musical Theatre
I know, I know, I promised this post to you months ago. Truth is, I had it ready, and completely forgot to post it. I am SOOO sorry to those of you were looking forward to reading it. As a reminder, this interview was a surprise to Molly. I spent time grilling her at...