by Molly Mahoney | Apr 13, 2015 | Broadway, Musical Theatre, Uncategorized
Last Tuesday at the Ghost Light Vocal Jam (GLVJ), I had the chance to sit down with the bubbly headliner Shanon Mari Mills during intermission and chat with her a bit about her career and her role as Glinda’s understudy in the national Emerald City tour of Wicked....
by Molly Mahoney | Jan 3, 2015 | Balance, Broadway, Singing
[leadplayer_vid id=”54A875B9E045B”] So – I’ve clearly been living under a ROCK for the past 2 days to have just heard about Idina’s NYE performance. Some of you may remember the post I wrote after her Oscar performance which also caused...
by Molly Mahoney | Oct 30, 2013 | Broadway
[leadplayer_vid id=”52718F19CC0C1″] Did you know Alli Mauzey, who is currently playing Glinda on Broadway in Wicked, grew up in Southern California? She went to The Music Room (TMR) as a kiddo (where I also went as a kiddo and teach now). Cool huh!? Check...
by Molly Mahoney | Aug 29, 2013 | Broadway, Musical Theatre
I’ve been involved with the Anaheim Performing Arts Center Foundation for a few years now. Their mission is to build a performing arts center in Anaheim. How cool is that!? Last weekend they had their Annual Great Gatsby Fundraiser and the entertainment was top...