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kylie smaller“Hey Molly, I just finished watching your full training in my group and you are AMAZING! It’s one of the best live videos I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much for adding such value to my team! ”

Kylie Riegler: Exclusive Black Status Presenter with Younique



NYC audition“I need to give you a HUGE THANK YOU for all your help! You are a woman with a wealth of knowledge and such a richness of experience! Plus you’re a FANTASTIC and JOYFUL teacher! I cannot count the times I’ve listened to our audio vocal sessions and just played them over and over again for practice, so big thanks!”

Adrienne Weidert  – Award winning Swing Dancer and NYC Performer


“I have a 9-year-old daughter who wants to be a “triple threat”. She needed a singing teacher that knew about Musical Theater and as luck would have it we met Molly at an art show. There was no mistaking the fact that she had Musical Theater in her blood, everything about her said “Shimmer and shine!” 🙂

She has only been teaching Lily for a short time but has helped her win two great parts with her audition coaching. She is a wealth of information when it comes to songs, monologues, dance, auditioning, shows, etc. You name it she knows it.  She is such a gift for a Mom who knows nothing about this business and who’s kid wants to do all of it.  Plus she really thinks about whom she is teaching. Trying to put it in a language a 9 year old can understand isn’t always easy. She’s fun and inspiring and very organized and always there to help if you have a question. We are just in the beginning of our journey but I think my daughter will forever find it hard not to ask Molly for advise on just about everything related to acting and singing and anything else for that matter. She has found a big sister in this crazy world of art kids and we are very very grateful for that.”
Shelley Kanos, Mother of Lily Larson – Young Triple Threat who has recently started her own youtube show

“Molly’s lessons are awesome! I learn new songs and tons of stuff about my voice  like, warming up, how to belt, singing in my head voice, and using beat changes. She always encourages me to work hard and sing my heart out.”

 Lizzie Rowen – Age 11 – Young Rockstar Musical Theatre Performer


“Our staff loved the Performance Power Program! They have not stopped talking about it. I have definitely seen a difference in their energy level and ability to bring a sense of stage presence to their interaction with the community. We can’t wait for you to come back!”

Katie Elmore – La Habra Recreation Department

“Molly Mahoney is not only a fabulous performance coach–she is a natural at business strategy. She knows exactly how to guide your set-up, helps you define and achieve your goals, and challenges you to do more than you thought you could. I can’t recommend her highly enough for all things business.”

Drew Boudreau – College Audition Professionals


“I emailed you a few months ago, pretty much just to thank you for existing. I’m brand new to the game, I just moved to New York two weeks ago, and finding your website changed my life! You brought ANSWERS to me at a point when I was so, so confused and scared and everyone seemed mean. I mean really. I remember going through listings and not knowing what ECC and EPA meant. My first “headshot” was a 5×7 glossy that I printed at home. I was a mess before I found your website.”

Elizabeth Regan, Performer

“Not only does Molly care for her performers on a physical level, (vocal well-being, chord-care, etc) but she also cares for her students emotionally, checking in constantly to gauge progress and to spread all of her love. It’s overwhelming to try and describe just how much all of her advice on(and off!)line has shaped how I have developed as a performer. I definitely recommend skimming through her site to learn so many amazing things and if you like the looks of that (which you will) DEFINITELY try and schedule a voice lesson with this absolutely amazing woman. You will not regret a minute of it.”

Dana Rich, Performer and Designer

Sign up for a business growth consultation today with the social media growth strategist and her team today! You can also sign up for the Camera Confidence Course or read our blog to learn how to become an influencer, the secrets of quiz funnels and so much more!