
I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes.

There We Were At The ManyChat Event …

And when I looked at my phone, I was aghast!

Your name wasn’t at the top of my Contact List.

How could that be?!?!

Contact Gremlins? Another software update gone awry? A Black Hole in the Cloud?

At least we discovered it.

I was soooo flummoxed that I forgot to give you the ‘Saw You At The Event‘ gift.

The gift’s below.

So now let’s fix the Gremlin-causing-software-updating-Black-Hole mishap and get you on the List.

To do so … just click on the gold LIVE VIDEO MASTERCLASS button below.
And add your name and address in the pop up box.

That way, you’ll get Exclusive Invites to the awesomeness that is about to happen (things like the Masterclass that you’ll want to be in on).

Oh! And don’t forget to grab your ‘Saw You At The Event’ gift.

It’s right here.

Just a little something to help you be seen as the amazing person you are.
(Simply click on it and … POOF! … it magically enlarges!)

Remember … click the LIVE VIDEO MASTERCLASS button below to get added to my Exclusive list before you leave this page.