There are so many people talking about how easy it is to run an online business. BUT if you don’t have enough clients, it’s not quite as easy as you may think. I know so many experts, coaches, and leaders who have powerful offers, yet have such a hard time finding the right clients.The bad news is… if you build it, they won’t come. (Without a little extra pixie dust.) You can’t just post about your services or products and magically have clients run to talk to you like many people believe. I have to say, while it does take effort, if you put the effort in the right places, it’s way easier than you may be thinking.
(00:37) Learn how to book your next high level client
(02:02) Eliminate the #salesyweirdo syndrome
(03:32) Tap into what makes you awesome so you can get your products and services into the hands of people who need it most
(04:51) Join the next free masterclass
(05:58) Know your ideal client. This is different than the client avatar.
(07:41) Where do your 3 ideal clients hang out (in person and online)?
(09:12) Go there and meet them in person. Find the best way to serve them.
(13:38) Have an actual conversation with people to build relationships.
(14:08) Lift, Listen, Let’s Connect!!
(15:27) Lift – provide value
(17:34) Listen – Turn on your ears. (Have an exit strategy.)
(19:15) Have a notebook to record the problems people are experiencing so you can write them down
(20:12) Leave the business cards at home
(22:49) Mari Smith ninja trick
(24:02) Connect – Make real relationships and your business will thrive
(25:03) Just ask!
(26:33) Solve their problems via social media
(29:29) Make offers
(30:42) There are several ways to make offers
(37:09) Adam Urbanski is a genius at all things marketing
(38:22) Spotlighting
(40:17) Jennifer Deipstraten is a genius at all things sales
(44:44) Rinse and repeat!!
Shout outs
eWomen Network Motto – Lift as we climb
Gary Vaynerchuk – BOOK: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
Spot light
Agghh! I’m just getting here! Gonna watch the replay for sure!
Whatever Molly says is gold! I’ve gotten high ticket clients as a result of working with Molly in less than a month!!
Just got home I will definitely watch the replay.
Total sense!!!
This is amazing z
Brilliant!!! I’m always wanting to add pro makeup tips but didn’t want to get to specific until there’s report??
It’s so amazing. I have to figure a way to fit it to my biz!!
Do you still offer the LuLaRoe training?
Omg! I can’t wait to watch this again
You have you tease them to make them want more. Spark the interest.
I can totally see how Spotlighting could catapult your business!
Please and thank you for Q&A in CC
lol rinse and repeat!!
Yes! next Camera Confidence session !!
Camera Confidence. See you there. I have to run. Dogs await
How do you get the comments to pop up while on live feed
will do!
My ideas crashed and burned. Now to rework
Total valuable!!!!
Hey MaKay!
I have 10 pages on notes all while spinning and yoga stretching!!!!
Hey Ella
Can Facebook life ever work like this for me – I am a yoga teacher and am not sure how to make most of this ….
Lularoe training?
Thank you ?
YouROCK sista!!!?❤️?❤️????????
sneak 🙂
He’s going to put together a special vid : )
Woo hoo Molly!!!
Click on the video
Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer thank you
Go Molly!! 100 viewers is amazing!!
Kick start
This is my first video to watch of your and absolutely love it!!
Oh! Thank you Trevor Smith!
Replay pleeeez
Molly I have 3 clients and one team member… I feel totally lost .. I would like an outline on Every day daily activities like how to run your MLM business day to day stuff.. Monday thru Sunday.. Using the set up and web page … How it ALL WORKS together… thanks
masterclass !!!!
yep… rude
so you do videos on business page… and then share to personal page???
I do both ; )
In person
I know you online, but I’ll be doggone if I don’t meet you in person. By golly!!
Yep, I don’t have biz cards anymore:)
You’re the best!
I love yooooooou!
Send me the info on your sneak guy!
Awesome technique
Share first ..give always
Tracy Magaldi Hokanson
Know your ideal client
Master class
Masterclass ?
What book?
online and inperson
Group events as a speaker