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There are so many people talking about how easy it is to run an online business. BUT if you don’t have enough clients, it’s not quite as easy as you may think. I know so many experts, coaches, and leaders who have powerful offers, yet have such a hard time finding the right clients.The bad news is… if you build it, they won’t come. (Without a little extra pixie dust.) You can’t just post about your services or products and magically have clients run to talk to you like many people believe. I have to say, while it does take effort, if you put the effort in the right places, it’s way easier than you may be thinking.

(00:37) Learn how to book your next high level client

(02:02) Eliminate the #salesyweirdo syndrome

(03:32) Tap into what makes you awesome so you can get your products and services into the hands of people who need it most

(04:51) Join the next free masterclass

(05:58) Know your ideal client. This is different than the client avatar.

(07:41) Where do your 3 ideal clients hang out (in person and online)?

(09:12) Go there and meet them in person. Find the best way to serve them.

(13:38) Have an actual conversation with people to build relationships.

(14:08) Lift, Listen, Let’s Connect!!

(15:27) Lift – provide value

(17:34) Listen – Turn on your ears. (Have an exit strategy.)

(19:15) Have a notebook to record the problems people are experiencing so you can write them down

(20:12) Leave the business cards at home

(22:49) Mari Smith ninja trick

(24:02) Connect – Make real relationships and your business will thrive

(25:03) Just ask!

(26:33) Solve their problems via social media

(29:29) Make offers

(30:42) There are several ways to make offers

(37:09) Adam Urbanski is a genius at all things marketing

(38:22) Spotlighting

(40:17) Jennifer Deipstraten is a genius at all things sales

(44:44) Rinse and repeat!!


Shout outs

eWomen Network Motto – Lift as we climb

Mari Smith

Gary Vaynerchuk – BOOK: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

Adam Urbanski

Jennifer Diepstraten