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5 Keys to Freedom! Clear the Crud and Stand in Your Super Power! What is really holding you back? Are there “reasons” that you aren’t achieving your goals? Sometimes it really is about getting out of your own way. Even if you are experiencing physical pain, it could be that your body is guiding you to release some limiting belief or story that has been running in the background that you may not even be aware of anymore!

Today, our guest Kaayla Vedder, will be sharing 5 Keys to Finding Freedom! This is a show you will not want to miss!

04:19 Introducing Kaayla Vedder

05:54 Stop and say “What’s great about this that I am not getting?”

08:32 Say “Yes”

10:35 Divine timing is never our timing

14:14 “It’s like flushing a toilet.” Listen in to learn what Kaayla is referring to.

15:39 “My body got the perfect amount of sleep that it required.”

17:14 Tell yourself what you want to focus on. Try it. It works. What we focus on expands.

20:03 Something amazing is going to happen today

20:59 Super Hero Pose

23:42 Our pea brain slows us down

24:49 Look at the world through the eyes of a child

28:06 If I know this much about it, how much do I not know?

29:19 Let go of the competition

30:09 Get meditation download

31:39 Just say “Yes”

32:52 Naked and Awake

36:43 Taking control without having control

40:50 You can never get it wrong