You may already know that webinar marketing is a great way to bring in leads and sales. Many strategies teach ways to lead to lower priced offers, and if you want to sell higher ticket products and services, webinars that go to a call can be a great way to go! That being said, many people struggle with getting calls booked off of a webinar.
SOOOO I’ve asked my friend Jon to share 5 Ways to Book More Calls with Webinar Marketing! For years I’ve turned to Jon for advice when it comes to increasing results on webinars… so I can’t wait to dive into these tips!!
5 Ways to Book More Calls with Webinar Marketing
Why should we trust Jon in this space
Jon is my go-to guy for optimizing webinars for providing more value and growing businesses. Jon has been in this space for about six years full-time and eight years in total. He’s done close to 500 live webinars and videos over the course of eight years. Back in 2014, Jon was one of the first marketing experts using Google Hangouts live on air. It was crazy. He did a live webinar once a week for an entire year using that system. Then he started teaching and selling that system using JV Webinars.
He is currently putting on his third Webinar Mastery Summit. Which is all about how to create, promote, and monetize webinars and virtual events. He has brought together 21 marketing experts (including me!) on how to leverage different facets of online marketing to propel your business.
Throughout the years he has worked with hundreds of experts and taught hundreds of students. Close to $20 million in sales (and more with some larger corporate clients) have been created through his teachings.
While he still does live webinars, most of his content is evergreen now. He does live and automated content, and the best part is that his tips apply to more than just webinar marketing or just increasing the webinar conversion rate.
What is a Webinar?
A webinar is in its simplest definition a presentation on the web. Nowadays that can mean a lot of things, but in its most basic form, its a virtual presentation you can use to convey information, educate, sell services. Today, we’re focusing on webinar sales funnel.
You don’t always need a 300-person webinar to be a success, especially if your goal is to book calls and sell higher-priced services. Jon has had clients book great deals through webinars that had five or six people on them. So don’t worry so much about attendance numbers. Webinar marketing can be used in a vast majority of industries. You just have to find the right strategy and the right steps for what you do specifically.
They can be hosted in a variety of ways. It can be a Zoom conference with seven people where you get to know each person, share what you have, and get feedback on it. That’s a demo or briefing-style webinar, small, direct, like a leveraged strategy session.
All of our webinars are done on Facebook Live, which is not the most common and suggested way. Jon used to use WebinarJam all the time, but he typically uses Zoom now.
For evergreen webinars, a recorded video on Vimeo or Wistia can work for this kind of funnel. For a more elaborate funnel, you can use EverWebinar, EasyWebinar, Stealth Seminar, or many others.
The tool won’t make or break although you need to get good at whichever ones you decide to use. And if you are hoping to use webinars to book more calls, here are five tips for you! )
Tip #1: Make Calls More Valuable
The first step in order to book more calls with webinars is to position the call as an incentive or product itself! When you do this you want to make sure to name your call. As we’ve shifted things in our business, we’ve gone back and forth on this idea. Sometimes we have a business assessment call or a clarity call or a GLAM call. Even if it continues to change, make sure name it something growth-oriented or benefit-oriented.
For example, Jon was working with an SEO agency recently, and they named their call the SEO Growth Audit. Jon worked with a patent company, and they named their call the Idea Protection Audit, learning if their idea was protectable and what they need to do.
You want to be able to describe the call as well as the benefit they will get by having the call with you. Be forthright that it can be the first step to digging up all the problems that your ideal customer has and begin to provide the solution.
You have to remember that even though you may recognize how much value you can deliver, your prospects don’t automatically. So you have to explain the benefit they can receive from talking with you. Their time is valuable, so allow them to know they aren’t wasting your time by speaking with you! Maintaining the safety of the buyer’s mindset by positioning the call effectively is key!
Be searchable
You also want to make it super easy for prospects to find your booking page. Don’t get them excited to only have them lose excitement while searching for that “Book” button.
Jon has a custom domain that goes directly to his application and funnel page. Choosing this depends on your ideal client and the kind of positioning you want for them. It depends on your niche. Ryan Levesque calls it a word of mouth link, which is a great reframe.
Tip #2: Leverage the “Thank You” Page
What I’m about to tell you is a bit more tactical webinar marketing strategy. Anytime anyone registers for a webinar, they come to the post-registration “thank you” page. This is the only page on the internet where 100% of people are going to see it if they took the action in front of them. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
One thing Jon recommends you do is offer an opportunity on the “Thank you” page for them to start the call booking process before the webinar even starts. This is because not everyone who registers will attend your webinar. Some of your best prospects are that busy, so why not allow them the opportunity to skip the line. It’s like a fast pass to your call.
A client of Jon’s was getting 500 registrants per webinar and was not using their thank you page effectively. Then they installed a questionnaire onto the thank you page. One of them booked a $60,000 deal from a client who came through that thank-you page.
Webinar Content Marketing
Do be careful about HOW many links or calls to action you provide on that page though. Having a small video congratulating them on registering, telling them what to do before the call, or telling them what to do to prepare for the call is helpful. Include, “Or if you’re a busy person who wants to skip ahead and speak to the experts directly about working together, click the button below to fill out a questionnaire to talk with our team.”
You want to do a video as well as bulleted text so people can either watch/listen or read your content on that page.
Here’s a valuable webinar content marketing tip: After they book a call with you, you should provide these clients some material before you hop on the call with them. Jon creates a video with some information, or you can create a simple one-sheet that outlines your offerings. That way, they already know who you are without necessarily having gone through the webinar.
My theory is people are reading the text, but they are also watching the video. It feels like they are reading it in your voice even if they don’t have the audio turned on. 85% of input into the human brain is through the eyes, the optic nerves. 11% is through the ears and verbal messaging. The fact that people can experience you through a video, hearing your voice and seeing your mannerisms, it’s another touchpoint that has higher value than a plain text webpage. Leverage the power of video so they can consume you and your style before the webinar or call.
Tip #3: Follow Up!
I can not emphasis this enough when it comes to webinar marketing! Think of a webinar as a campaign, not a single event. If you’re a coach or other service provider, your clients are busy. They may be interested in the topic but may not be able to attend in full or attend at all. As we mentioned above what happens before the webinar is important, but what happens AFTER your webinar is extremely important.
If you are using a service that allows you to download the chat after your webinar, this if gold. This allows you to see who was most engaged during your webinar. You can begin to communicate with them about the webinar and how the content applies to their business.
Jon was consulting with a coach recently, and she was so focused on the content that she didn’t think to highlight the most engaged folks or reach out to them after the fact. Those things can double or triple your overall or webinar sales.
When it comes to doing anything online, the #1 missed opportunity is taking the time to talk personally to others. Jon and I met through Adam Urbanski, who emphasizes how important it is to connect as human beings. Don’t exclusively rely on the webinar and the funnel to bring you the clients, especially if you’re selling higher-ticket services. Your goal is to get into conversations with the right people. Conversations are becoming the new “leads” of today.
You can use standard email to follow up with people. Or you can use a tool like Mail merge, where you can upload a list of 50 emails and send out a message from your Gmail or Outlook. You can also use Connect365, which is so good. Woodpecker’s another one.
Another tool Job has been playing around with lately is Bonjoro Any prospect that comes through Jon’s webinar funnel, he is sending them a video email from Bonjoro, and it looks like it’s coming directly from his email. It’s a tool where you can record either a mass video for a larger group or a 1:1 video. He sends the 1:1 video to each individual prospect, then They can reply through their platform. It’s just another touchpoint.
Real life example:
One of our GLAM members tagged me in a post about Disney-themed tiki mugs. I replied to it. Tikiland sent me an invite to like their page, which we highly recommend. They also sent me an invite to join their Facebook group. I joined and then bought their mugs. If a tiki mug store can personally invite me to their group, so can us individual coaches. Smart strategy.
Tip #4: Collect Phone Numbers
What’s one of the best tips on webinar marketing? Consider collecting phone numbers as part of the webinar registration. You can remind people beforehand using SMS services like TextMagic or Community. If you’re using ManyChat to employ bots, they also have a great SMS element you can utilize. After the webinar, you can also text people.
You can also get on the phone and call people sometimes. Leverage the interest list of people who are interested in your topic. You can communicate with them in these other ways besides webinar. This not only increases the attendance rates and follow-up rates, but it also provides you another way to reach out to people. Remember: the #1 missed opportunity is taking the time to talk personally to others.
Two weeks ago on a Sunday, I was thinking about how grateful I was for our community. I went into ManyChat and sent a text to everyone who had opted in for text messaging. It was from me, not MollyBot. I said, “Hey, it’s Molly. I wanted to thank you for being a member of our community.” So many people wrote me back, and ManyChat lists all the replies super easily.
People asked if it was me, and I spent that Sunday afternoon chatting with people. I said “I love you” to at least five people via text having these business conversations.
Tip #5: Use Messenger
Driving ads directly into Messenger is tricky, but collecting the initial information through Messenger, especially if you have a Facebook audience already, allows you to grow your bot list and email list. You can then use Zapier to send the email from ManyChat to whatever webinar software you’re using.
You can have people opt in for reminders via Messenger, but I steer away from that because a reminder isn’t as appealing as something like what we do, which is delivering a video content planner and a checklist they can get via Messenger. We include that on the thank you page.
Our front-end sign-up tool works as such: When you comment a certain word on a video of ours, it will send you an opt-in message through our bot. Once you click on the button to receive the show notes, it will take you to a page where you input your email and phone number for SMS. We have a condition set up where if they click “Yes, they want the show notes,” if they have already given their email, they don’t have to do so again. The show notes are delivered in our Facebook group. At this point, we have collected email, phone number, and a member for our Facebook group. Isn’t it a great webinar marketing tactic?
Jon has had significant numbers in attendance rates through using Messenger bots as well. If you’re running Facebook ads, then you have a Facebook audience.
Another effective webinar marketing strategy we follow is: during the webinar, we give out an “engagement bait” PDF. It’s solid gold. It shows you how to increase your engagement without being flagged for engagement bait, which reduces your organic reach.
That link is on the bottom of our sales page, which opens in Messenger. When they click on it, we know they have been through the webinar, scrolled through the sales page, and interacted with our Messenger bot, which unlocks the 24-hour window for us to send them a message later.
Webinars can be such a successful platform for sales in your business, we hope that we were able to give you some insight, and tips and ideas on how YOU can effectively book more calls with webinars
Contact Jon
Additional Resources
- Be.Live (sponsor)
- Use code MOLLY for 30% off!
- Become a BeLive Partner here:
- Webinar Mastery Summit
- You can get the WMS Action Guide in addition to a ticket to the summit!
- Adam Urbanski
- WebinarJam
- Zoom
- Vimeo
- Wistia
- EverWebinar
- EasyWebinar
- Stealth Seminar
- Connect 365
- Woodpecker
- Bonjoro
- TextMagic
- ManyChat
- Community
- Zapier
Done a webinar using Jon’s methods
About 5
Want to learn more!
Relationship coaching
My webinar was for my membership program
have one coming up – walking coaching – custom scheduling
I’m The Lesbian Love Coach
I use zoom to teach but I want to learn how to do webinars.
Topic(s): Strong Families, and Sanity and Confidence for Parents considering Education Options.
Music teacher and Mary Kay Independent Consultant
I use zoom and FB for webinars, all live.
#nugget – different kind of calls and NAME your call !!
Weird – I got bounced out of the page and had to come back in…
#nuggets How to name call best
#nugget – Work with!!! 🙂
#nugget CallWithPamela
#nugget You have to “Let them know a call with me is valuable”
Maintain buyer ‘sense of safety’
#nugget Leverage your Thank You page. (Only page EVERYONE sees.)
Leadership trainer healthcare
What about doing a Thank you VIDEO giving more value ?
#nugget Make it possible to book a call before the webinar
#nugget Make Thank You page work better
#nugget Molly – Be careful how many CTAs on the Thank You page/video
#nugget Use a video on the Thank You page
#nugget Bullets for “Here’s what to do next.”
#nugget before call prep directions, after call directions
#nugget Have a summary of important points for those who will skip the webinar
#nugget Molly likes bullets WITH visual of presenter. Feels watcher/listener responds as though hearing me
#nugget Webinar is a component of a campaign, NOT a standalone event
#nugget Download chat of those engaged in chat/comments
#nugget Download the chat!
Be a human 🙂
#nugget Interaction with active commenters is POWERFUL
#nuggets Tools: Connect 365, Woodpecker, Bonjouro
#nugget Group message, ‘roll up’
This is going way over my head. I’m looking forward to reviewing the notes later.
#nugget #4: collect phone numbers
#nugget Molly: “Don’t worry about tools.”
#nugget Collect phone numbers
#nugget Old fashioned, high touch, PHONE CALLS!
#nugget Using SMS reminders increases attendance rate at your webinar
#nugget DON’T BE SCARED TO MAKE A CALL!!! Ugh that’s so hard at times.
#nugget Even remotely, 1-to-1 conversations are ‘high touch’ POWERFUL!
#nugget Use Messenger to collect initial info
#nugget #5 Messenger
#nugget Collect cell for SMS or to even make a PHONE CALL!
#nugget End of webinar gift leads to sales page and unlocks 24hr promotion window
Webinar Mastery Summit:
#nugget follow up critical with most engaged peeps from chat or comments
#nugget connect365, woodpecker to reach peeps
1 Name call with benefit, maybe custom donain
2 Leverage Thank You page
3 Follow Up (pay attention to chat)
4 Collect phone numbers (mini chat) People who give phone number are more likely to buy.
5 Messenger
#nugget learn how to use messenger
#nugget Molly is LIVE every Wed
Woo Hoo! I’m a #nugget winner!
Real humans
Dawn Montefusco