After I posted 10 Ways to Give Your Best Performance at a Broadway Inspired Open Mic Night, one of my first theater teachers sent me the following “Audience Members Creed.” She is the BEST and taught me so much about what it means to love life and shine on stage. I asked if I could share and she said yes! Enjoy!!
AUDIENCE MEMBERS’ CREED – by Marilyn Griffin
1. Listen attentively
2. Laugh appropriately (in all the right places)
3. To not mouth the lyrics with the performer
4. To smile encouragingly if they happen to see me
5. To nod and murmur “what an incredible performance” to the person sitting next to me
6. To be politely silent during nervous breakdowns
7. To clap uproariously and perhaps whistle or say, “Bravo” to well deserving performances
8. To greet performers at the end with, “well done” or, “that was a wonderful selection”
9. To stay in my seat through the entire performance
10. To leave with a song on my lips and joy in my heart for a wonderful, unforgettable night.
I love this! Especially number 8. I’ve had a few times where I greeted a friend after a show and they say “I didn’t think it was very good” or “It was way better when I did it.” Especially my friends who are actors too. I mean you are on such a positive level after completing a show and you feel so good. It stinks when someone messes with that. If you have criticism, save it.
Totally! We actually have a strict rule at our house. It’s called the “3 BLOCK RULE!” You never know who is within ear shot! Wait til your at least 3 blocks away from the theater to get into the nitty gritty. : )