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13 year old Jes brings us a really lovely poem today!

before the curtain rises

Before the Curtain Rises

by Jes DeGroot

Inside the theatre, tall and grand

Behind the velvet curtain we stand

With painted face and costumes grand

Wait with bated breath, hand-in-hand

For the moment the curtain rises

Our hearts dance quickly as we wait

The overture plays, the songs elate

Knowing the stage will soon animate

When the red velvet curtain rises


We wish that magic moment could last

When it comes, we know it leaves fast

But when the awe-struck moment has passed

The time we yearn for, here, at last

The second the curtain rises

Bright lights beam down upon my face

The audience sits at the base

Enjoying our show, performed with grace

Soon after the curtain had rose


To live in these hours forever

Of our play, fun, and endeavor

Is a dream from which we are severed

The show ends too soon whenever

It’s time for the curtain to close

But we know it will come again

The next performance will stop the pain

In our glee, we may seem insane

Because the curtain shall once more rise


For inside the theatre, tall and grand

Behind the velvet curtain, we stand

With painted face and costumes grand

Wait with bated breath, hand-in-hand

For the moment the curtain shall rise.

Our hearts do a dance quickly as we wait

The overture plays, the songs elate

But we know the crowds must dissipate

Till the next night the red curtain rises.

-A kid who likes to shimmer, shine, sparkle and glimmer!Jess-New-Cartoon-Web-140x300

Jes DeGroot

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