Hey! Do you Want to book more guest spots on Podcasts?
This is a GREAT time to start booking more Podcast and Live Video Interviews! I know it can seem daunting trying to figure out how to be featured on your favorite shows, and how to bring amazing guests onto your show! We brought in 2 of the BEST in the world of podcasting!
Matt Wolfe and Joe Fier from the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast! They'll be sharing their streamlined frame work for Podcast Guesting so you can gain visibility that counts!
Have you ever felt like maybe you've maybe been an alien most of your life, and then you meet people who are obviously from the same crazy planet? That was how it felt when I met Matt and Joe. They started their podcasting career in 2010, and it's now their main focus where they educate on paid traffic, content marketing/SEO, and bringing/omnipresence!
Book More Guest Spots on Podcasts And Grow Your Business!
Make someone else's stage YOUR stage
Why be a guest on a Podcast? Being a guest on a podcast is the easiest way to get yourself out to a new audience, without having to put in all the extra work… yet. You don't have to worry about tech or preparation, you just talk about the things you know, and you have a built in audience.
What is the easiest way to get on a Podcast?
People you Know
Reaching out to those that you already know with is the easiest way to find new connections. You can post on FB to reach friends and professionals to see what kind of connections they have, Linked in is great to reach out directly to those who may already have a successful podcast running.
Also do some “sneaky research” check out podcastnotes.org or podchaser.com. These sites are built specifically for podcast knowledge. Find podcasts that are successful or those that maybe you don't want to be a guest on. Find those that fit your ideal audience,  and look at the past guests, do you fill an empty space they may need?
Have a strong CTA
Once you have booked a guest spot on a Podcast, it is so important that you prepare a strong Call To Action. Its crazy how many people miss this crucial step. Your host has provided a platform and an audience, but YOU have to USE the platform and  CAPTURE the audience in order to have them become YOUR audience too. Don't forget you must also have a place for them to GET more information and find out more about you. You don't need a fancy website when you first start out, you can have something as simple as a Fb page/group.
When it comes down to it, it really is about you just doing the work and taking the leaps you need to, to build your audience and your business. No one else can do it for you, you can have all the coaches, watch all the webinars, do all the research, but if you just sit on the information you have to share, nothing will happen. We know it can be scary, but YOU CAN DO IT! If you need some inspiration and help to conquer those fears, check out —>  This post! Once you take the leap, you will begin to book more guest spots on podcasts and grow your business!
Want more Molly?
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Get even more help. Get a business consultation today! Or learn how to become an influencer and other things on our blog. You'll learn things like how to use quiz funnels, how to improve conversions and more!
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Community needs consistency too. #nugget
Sequencing is a way to follow up. #nugget
Survey monkey to add tags. Hmmmm #nugget
Q – So, is there a bot for podcasts like there is ManyChat for Facebook.
Automations. Are so helpful. #nugget
Ridiculous and amazing. #nugget
YouTube LinkedIn Alexa briefing at the end of the long show create shorter.
Podcast guesting. #nugget
I have no idea what Alexa briefing is.
Make sale and having people helps. #nugget
#nugget oooohhhh aahhhh
#nugget have people to sell to through exposure
#nugget why a guest. Just show up.
#nugget talk about what you know.
#nugget just show up and talk about what you know
Great opportunity right now. #nugget
#nugget tap your existing network
#nigget tap existing network to expand network
People that you know. Lowest hanging fruit. #nugget post want guests
Podcastnotes dot com. ITunes research. See similar shows. #nugget
Look for the gaps. They are your opportunities. #nugget
Dream 100 those you want to connect with. #nugget
Do you know anyone on this lost? #nugget
#nugget dream 100 of those you want to connect with
Start where you are. #nugget
Powerful call to action. Have it ready. #nugget
#nugget capture ideal audience. Free giveaway. Can even be group. Call to action
EBook. Webinar. Fancy pants urls. Lol. #nugget
#nugget be part of the 5%.
Video follow up. So easy. #nugget
Thank you and take always. #nugget
#nugget follow up: create bond with video
Build your bond through follow up. #nugget
#nugget Just do it. #nugget
#nugget JUST DO IT
Whoohoo. Here we go. See ya soon. #nugget
Build your bond
Dude this is AWESOME!!
Hmmm ManyChat bots for reminders. #nugget
Wait you OWN molly.live?
Ooo. Add meet BoldeeYou Bot. #nugget
How can I grow a great beard?
I’m excited to rewatch. Love these guys already!!
Get your name dot live. #nugget
Planets are us. #nugget
Q – what is Alexa briefing?
Hustle and flowcharts podcast. #nugget
Yes. Woohoo.
Thank you I appreciate the training.
I don’t have Alexa. 🙂
That is why I do not have Alexa!!
Alexa can be accessed on your phones too.
You don’t have to have an Alexa to access the briefings.
Learn and implement
Podcasting is new to me so this is good
#nugget, look at who you know to connect for podcast possibilities
#Nugget, podcaster referrals works
#Nugget, word press plugin to specialize & swap out the wording on a template optin
No way Molly! I’m stealing Flownotes, too! Muahahahahaha! #replay
#nugget, love the idea to follow up with a quick video!!!
#nugget, dream 100 spread sheet , attach to mails in the footer, to get random intros
You are triggering my Alexa with this conversation!
flow notes
FLOWNOTES – thanks!