Have you been feeling the pressures of the crazy in the world lately?
I can't think of any time in recent history where it's been more important to love, listen, connect and to breathe. And now is the time to learn how to breathe through difficult times.
I also find that something as simple as breathing can be difficult.
It's hard enough building a business, while reaching for your goals and taking care of your family or life at home. On top of that, throw in a slew of negativity and hate that is being pushed on us, through all senses. It can honestly be debilitating. I'm taking matters into my own hands and brining you a powerful free training on the power of your breath.As a singer and speaker I have studied breath almost my entire life, and I'm honestly amazed by the new techniques I continue to learn.
Are you ready to breathe more intentionally, connect to what matters, and make a bigger difference in this world? I have got some simple tricks that will bring you more peace and confidence so that you can breath some positivity into this world! And of course, make your live videos better as well.
How do you breathe?
Do you find that when you take in a big, deep breathe and find that your chest rises up? That is the opposite of how we are naturally breathe. Breathing low into your belly is how we are meant to breathe and you can find that you are doing this when your belly expands with every breathe instead of your chest.
Let's talk about breathing through difficult times!
Close Your Mouth
Put one hand on your chest and one on your belly. Think about making the movement when you breathe as small as possible. And now close your mouth. Crazy, right? This is a type of breathing called Buteyko. It is based on keeping your mouth closed and breathing in a small amount of air and then, breathing out more air than we inhaled. The idea is that we are over oxygenating ourselves and we want to stop ourselves from breathing in as much air as we want to.
Try it! Feel that hand move as you try to limit or reduce the amount of air you are inhaling. Does it feel like your body is screaming? What does it feel like? Maybe you feel relaxed! Or a strange sense of peace?
Now try to breathe in for two counts and breathe out for eight counts. Don't cheat! The point is that you do not want to take in as much as you can. All of this is based on the fact that we should breathe OUT more carbon that we breath in oxygen. You will find that as you practice, your body will start to naturally breathe in this pattern. Amazing, right?
Breathe Out Positivity
It is time to breathe in the negative and breathe out the positive. We are now going to use our body as an air purifier. Don't attach yourself to anything negative but think about something that you purely love. This follows a practice called Tonglen. If you have been with us for a while, this is where the Quesadilla of Awesome comes from. Think about something that you love purely with unabashed joy. Now breathe out and wish that thing tons of love, light and energy.
Let's expand. Ok, try to think about something that you love but maybe causes a bit of frustration or irritation every now and then. Repeat the process. Picture this NEW object and still breathe OUT with wishes of love, light, energy and positivity. How did that feel? It takes practice but once you master it, it will bc amazing!
When you set aside dedicated time, things can shift. First of all, it requires you to change up your breathing patterns. Singing requires you to practice what Buteyko states, breathing in less oxygen than you release.
When I find myself in a place where I am overworked or overwhelmed, and I sing, I find myself in such a relaxed state. Singing forces you to control your breathe which causes us to slow down and be purposeful.
So when in need, it is time to sing. It doesn't matter WHAT you sing, just belt it out…whatever comes to you! For ever more power and positivity, sing with others and have them join in!
We have the power within us to change this world. Confidence, peace and harmony can all come with just starting to breathe intentionally! I am so grateful for you being here and adding to a world of positivity and life! Comment below if you are with me!
Are you ready to sing with us! If so, watch the live video here. Get ready to sing!
I’m all in!!!
Hi Molly….
Shift … Vibrational Change
Your balance of energy is like the eclipse…you block the negativity with your positivity!
so glad to be here
Grounded and powerful!?
it is perfect timing divine
The replay of the eclipse will surround us all day..❤️
sing joyful noise
Yes!!!!lalalala!! And dance too??
That’s why I put together a stress relief playlist for my group. It’s fun!
I love to sing praise in church…
You???? High energy?? Seriously??
That’s the only thing about church…
Me too!!!
?Climb Every Mountain….lalala???
If happy little blue birds fly……beyond the rainbow….
How cool !
Love the coments
Let’s do it!!!!
I’m already crying!! So sweet!!!??
I’ll leave the singing to you Molly ?
I’ll leave the singing to you Molly
WOAH! I’ve never heard the intro!
Yes better key
Still crying…Iz song I used at my moms memorial…very touching!!!!! Love this Molly!!?❤️❤️❤️????
Still crying…Iz song I used at my moms memorial…very touching!!!!! Love this Molly!!
LOVE! Our pitch was on POINT!
OMGosh yes
Oh my gosh! I haven’t actually realized the last line! I’m so moved! ????
Oh my gosh! I haven’t actually realized the last line! I’m so moved!
Ease on ease on down the road!!!!
I’m grateful for you!
Thank YOU
Yippeee! Coming tomorrow
Love you too!!! ?❤️????
Love you too!!!
Love love love you!
Wow, so amazing
This is so awesome!!
Yes – deep breathe…works for brass playing and singing…but we forget even when we know how to – in order to relax other times.
Shared in 2 places
I want to breathe deeply like when I play horn.
Makes sense – while playing instruments- that can be a problem breathing in too much air.
Just saw this Molly and thought you would enjoy it ❤️
Just saw this Molly and thought you would enjoy it
A little hard
Thanks for sharing
Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer This is really interesting (and opposite of what I’ve been doing with the positive IN, negative OUT). Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to #3 technique!
SING! Oh watch out Neighbors! haha
This is inspiring me to ask my Guides the best way for me to breathe! ROAR
Hiii Molly let’s breathe!!!
I love Molly Mahoney.
When I’m stressed I often give big exhales, and my husband has to remind me to take a big inhale. LOL
Now I can tell him, I’m only supposed to breathe in for 2 counts
So cool! Buteyko 🙂
yes exhale the negativity and inhale all goodness
you’ll have to add another letter to your FITT strategy
OH, yeah, easy to overdo.
I like to lie on my back on a yoga ball–chiro recommended it for stretching out the back. AND for stretching out my daughter’s text-neck! It feels great.
Love this stuff!
Using this in my studio!!!
Love learning new breathing techniques!
My business?
Wow, Molly!!!!!!
It’s SO important! That’s why:)
I always reference babies when I teach breathing.
He opened your ribcage
Oh wow!
Ooo! I’m lookin that up!
You know I love me some breathing techniques!
I love that! I call it “invisible breath” with my young students
I totally hear you on that!
This is perfect for my morning?
This is perfect for my morning
Looking it up now!
Yes. I’ve got a meditation for that
Drat! Lol?
Drat! Lol
Oooo! I like!
So much goodness!
I’m breathing in “annoyances” and breathing out love?
I’m breathing in “annoyances” and breathing out love
Love when lunchtime turns into a musical?
Love when lunchtime turns into a musical
AHHHHHH Breathe….
Wish upon a star! ?✨Beautiful ?
Wish upon a star! Beautiful
Thank you Molly!
wow that’s so interesting!! new way!!! thanks Molly!!!
Love it!! My favorite saying is “just breath”!
Yes! Do you know the song called “Breathe” from the musical In the Heights? She sings “Just Breathe” a bunch! It’s one of my faves.
I did your breathing this morning, LOVE!!
I ALWAYS forget to breath! I feel like I need to write the word all over my house to remind myself.
This is really interesting. Have never heard this before!
Breath! Just Breath! My new mantra! Just Breath. In and out. Breath!