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Are you feeling pulled in a million different directions!?

Unable to remember who sent you a message with specific important information and where they sent it?

With email, and texting, and Facebook, and Instragam, and Twitter and Snapchat, and phone calls, and actually speaking to people in person… (WHAT!? Yes! It happens!) How on earth are you expected to keep it together!

I’ve found several tools that have helped to CLEAR THE COMMUNICATION CLUTTER! I hope these tools help you tooo!

Here’s a little more info about each tool.

Also – open thing to remember about these tools is that you actually have to USE them in order for them to work. Seems like something that would go without saying… but a little kick in the booty never hurt! : )



Here’s an example of a “channel” discussion between Drew (Ghost Light Vocal Jam Superstar Assistant) and myself. You can see how the google docs auto generate! Super cool!

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Slack in Action


Google Calendar

Within your google calendar (free with a gmail account), you’ll see this link.

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Then, you can give it a name, a color and even share it with others!

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I love VCITA for scheduling appointments with my clients and business partners! You can even add a payment option. If you are interested, here is a referral link – I do get a small commission if you go through this link – at no cost to you! I’d love to help you set it up to, so let me know if you have questions.

Here’s how the scheduling system looks on my website. This is just one of the many options. Check it out at

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And… here’s how it looks when I send someone a specific link to schedule an appointment within the vcita system.

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Check out this video!! It’s super short and it fills you in on the Savvy Awesome. Get your own account at

PS – I’m currently transferring ALL of my students into this system… so my page is hidden to prevent double booking, but I’ll be using this for all of my voice lessons starting Jan. 1st.



Facebook Groups

I use a private Facebook group to give specific info to the singers of the Ghost Light Vocal Jam. It’s a great way to keep everyone informed and a perfect forum for discussion.

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Naming Facebook Group Messages

Step 1.

Send a Facebook message to the people that you would like to have in your group conversation. I just started one with my Mom and my sister for fun! : )

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Step 2.

Click on the little “settings” gear on the top right of the message box. You’ll see a drop down menu appear like this.

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Step 3.

Select “Edit Conversation Name.”


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Step 4.

Name Your Conversation and click “Done.”

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Ta Da!

Now when you want to message this group, you just type in the name of the group and the group chat will pop up as an option! Super cool!

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I’ve hope you’ve found these to be helpful tips! Let’s head into the new year with a sense of simplicity!

As always…

Molly Mahoney Shimmer and Shine