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Develop Core Confidence with Justin Guarini

Part 1


If you want to show up more powerfully, the number one way to do so is to up your confidence! Recently, I connected with someone who has not only had major success in his career; he’s also navigated some seriously powerful highs and lows. And now he has taken all that he’s learned and put it into an amazing system he calls Core Confidence ™. I’m talking about the one and only… Justin Guarini! 

You may recognize him from season one of American Idol or one of his six Broadway shows (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, American Idiot, Romeo & Juliet, Wicked, Paint Your Wagon at Encores) or as Lil’ Sweet in the Dr. Pepper commercials. But as incredible as those accomplishments are, that’s not what I think is most awesome about the goodness he’ll be sharing. 

Honestly, we’ve spent several hours together in the past month or two, and I’ve been blown away by the insights he shares and the way he supports his community with strategies that come from his heart. When Justin was on American Idol, he performed in front of 30 million viewers each week. That. Is. What. I. Call. BANANAPANTS.

I can’t wait for you to learn more about his Core Confidence framework and hear about what it took to discover what he was truly passionate about. 

We actually had so much fun talking about everything during this interview that we ran out of time and decided to finish up in a second video! Make sure you Sign up for our video reminders to join our FB group and be the first to know about the follow up interview. 


Introduction to Core Confidence


Core Confidence breaks down into developing four key skills across four key areas of your body. When you marry those skills to your body, your spiritual connection, your relationships, and your business, be it you work in a job or run your own business, it creates a foundation of Core Confidence that allows you to build your dreams in all of those areas.

The four key areas of Core Confidence are:
Clarity, Commitment, Creativity, Certainty



Tenet 1: Clarity

It’s that belief in your future self. That the direction that you’re going is extremely important. When you show up and put something out there, and you truly believe it (even if you gotta fake it a little bit) don’t apologize for that future vision. Having that deep belief in its’ possibility is so important.

Putting that belief out there is sowing the seeds for that to happen. There are seasons to life, just like there are seasons in our environment. When you sow the seeds for what will happen in the next season of your life, by investing in those around you and yourself, you will eventually reap that harvest. You may not see it immediately, but keep on sowing, it will happen. 

No Shame

I get lots of guilt and shame around coming up with a vision. It’s hard for me to discuss these sorts of things publicly. Justin works really hard to eradicate the concept of shame. It’s such a detrimental emotion. Shame stops us from doing, being, giving, and having the things we know how to do, be, give, and have. He says he identifies with that guilt and shame around casting a vision. “Who am I to have this thing? People don’t have heat and electricity currently; who am I to develop a product that I am going to charge $10,000 for, where we discuss ideas and concepts?” That is the shame and blame game that we all play with ourselves. 

Everyone at every level of success is dealing with this. No one lifts some weights at the gym, says they’re fit, and never comes back. It’s the same thing with confidence. It is an ever-evolving game that you play with yourself to develop it inherently. 

Get rid of the finish line

One of Justin’s mentors showed him a simple concept that has changed his life: getting rid of the idea that there is a finish line. “I will be happy when I have this.”It’s this if this happens, then I’ll have that. That finish line fools people into thinking, for example, “If I have a Tony, I will feel like I’ve made it, or people will respect me.” Then you get that Tony, but it’s a piece of metal. Plenty of Tony-winners haven’t gotten that prestige they thought they would get. When I first hit six figures, I expected to have this feeling of huge accomplishment, but nothing changed. Or if you have that feeling, it lasts for the snap of your fingers. That isn’t the goal after all, is it? 

A mentor of Justin’s had a hard time investing money in a vacation because he couldn’t see the ROI. This guy would spend $40,000 in the creation of a Facebook ad, but a $250 bottle of tequila was a struggle. What he realized was that it is the investment you are making in memories that will last forever. Investing in things that are good for your soul will allow new, creative, magical ideas into your life and maybe those Facebook ads would work better.

Your mess is your message

When it comes to clarity, Justin will never forget something he heard at a ClickFunnels event a few years ago. This husband and wife team spent their whole talk discussing the concept, “Your mess is your message.” It goes like this: When you can truly get clear on what it is that’s going on in your life, then you can do what few people are willing to do. Once your willing to delve into the uncomfortable conversations with yourself and people who will hold that space for you, you take the mess that has happened in your life, the clarity you have about your mess, and build a community to help spread that message of people who authentically care about and connect with you and that message. So much better than money.


Tenet 2: Commitment

A lot of people will say the truth will set you free, but truth is a relative concept based on the individual. Consider instead that the facts will set you free. A fact is something that is or is not. When you get clear on the facts of your life, then you can create a future vision of a bigger, better, bolder self. In doing that, you have opened a gap between where you are now and where you want to be in the future. The bridge that will carry us between those two places starts with the commitment you are willing to make to yourself. 

There is a decision you must make here, based on the facts where you are today and where you want to be in the future. The Latin root of the word “decision” is “de caedere,” to cut. It is all about cutting off from any other option other than the option that will move you from where you are today to the future. It’s about the being, not the doing. Show up as the future person first. It’s powerful. 

One day, I said “accidentally” on a call, “I’m so grateful for the new members who came into GLAM next week.” That’s technically not proper grammar. It’s mixing that tense so you recognize you already are that person of your future. If you can start to be that person of your future now, how much easier will it be to allow things to happen? 

Don’t give into the drama

We sometimes trick ourselves into thinking the dramatic spiral is better, but recognizing that things are happening for you and not to you is so important. We have gotten so comfortable with the spiral and the drama. It’s a karmic loop. You should take the opportunity to lift into a new place, which will require work and sacrifice, but you are breaking the karmic loop and continuing and growing into a place that is further down the line of your evolution.

The upper limit problem

In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks talks about an ULP, an Upper Limit Problem. When we are elevating ourselves into that next level of who we are, rather than taking that spiral, recognize that you can build something new. Our mind is always creating new things. When you hit the sense of drama hitting the fan, you see it as an ULP, which is the point to take the next step into the new version of yourself. It’s an opportunity, not a problem. For example, you can begin to think of an argument as an opportunity to express differing opinions. Getting to the next level may sometimes require collision. If we are willing to take advantage of the ULP, 


A Fork in the Road

Before Justin went on American Idol, he was doing everything he could not to have a typical 9-5 job. He used to go door to door, selling house alarms for ADT (talk about rejection) And he had landed  a job working for a bar/bat mitzvah & wedding DJ company as a hype man. 

Shortly before he went to Hollywood Week as part of American Idol (this was the first season, so there was no precedent for what this looked like) he got this phone call from a casting director from Binder Casting representing the musical, The Lion King.  He said, “We know you’ve been auditioning for this show for five years. We finally have the role for you in the chorus. It will be your Broadway debut.” Oh my goodness! All his hopes and dreams were about to come true. But what about Hollywood Week? So, he asked if he could call them back in a week to pursue Hollywood Week. They don’t usually tend to go for that too often. 

During Hollywood week, there were 126 people who were all put through the grinder. It was exhausting. The very next day, half of that group went home, but not Justin.  He was in the Pasadena Civic Center and now he had to make a decision. He didn’t know whether he was going to make it in the top 30, but he had to call Broadway and say, “yes or no.” 

Which road to choose

Here is the fork in the road. He is walking down this aisle with red plush carpeting, beautiful seats. Up on the stage, he sees the set, the lights, the boom, the judges’ table, and he starts weeping. 

Justin now has kids, a lovely wife, and three dogs; at 42, he is much more sentimental. But when he was 22, crying was not his thing. He was staring at the stage, getting ready to do what he loved. It was on that same stage that Michael Jackson did the moonwalk for the first time and now he was able to perform on that stage, too. Talk about overwhelming emotions! 

In that moment, something told him he needed to do American Idol. So, he turned down a golden opportunity to be in “the show that will never close.” A show that people spend their entire careers in. He said, “Thank you very much, but no thank you. I am going with this other project.” He took a major leap of faith. Justin made the commitment to himself that this is what he was going to do. That leap of faith was definitely a good one! 

The Catalyst

After American Idol, Justin was living in a Bel Air mansion, sleeping in a king-sized bed with fancy clothes, fame and money. He had, “all the things.” One Saturday night, he turned on SNL. Tina Fey was the host of “Weekend Update” and all of a sudden, his face came up next to her head. He had no idea what she was going to say, and he certainly had no idea it was going to be one of the most embarrassing and shocking things he had ever experienced. That moment was a catalyst for a huge change he made in his life…a change that would lead him to his own core confidence. 

TO BE Continued…

Remember to sign up for live video reminders to watch our second interview with Justin and learn about the last two tenets of Core Confidence: Creativity and Certainty. While you’re waiting check out our recent posts on how to build an effortless business and the ultimate guide to repurposing content.


Contact Justin


Additional Resources

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

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