Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer , I’m a Younique presenter. I have a total fear of going live and asking people to join my team. I’m my own worst enemy. I think too much! Fear of rejection? The list could go on. Thank you !!!
Younique Makeup which I’m doing ok with that right now but my Plunder jewelry business I’ve been procrastinating with orders and stuff BAD!
Hi sweets!
I’m ready!
I’m so ready for BrideWorld Los Angeles this weekend! Eli is not allowed!
I. Am. SO. Ready.
It’s like exercising the same with going live.
I’m so ready Molly! Stepping my game up more than ever! No room for elephants!
I am ready !
Yahoo! What’s your focus right now in your biz?
Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer , I’m a Younique presenter. I have a total fear of going live and asking people to join my team. I’m my own worst enemy. I think too much! Fear of rejection? The list could go on. Thank you !!!
I am ready
Yay! Tell me more about your biz! Where do you find you are coming up on roadblocks?
Younique Makeup which I’m doing ok with that right now but my Plunder jewelry business I’ve been procrastinating with orders and stuff BAD!
Lol ?