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A few nights ago, I stumbled across The Story of Frozen: Making an Animated Classic on ABC. It was really cool to see how the animated movie was conceived and edited. The most interesting fact I learned was that “Let It Go” was almost cut from the musical score! Can you believe it? That song that made the movie! I believe it was not just the song’s message that gave “Let It Go” such appeal, but its vocal artist who brought life to the lyrics with power and emotion—Idina Menzel. Menzel the PERFECT choice for the voice of Elsa, and of course it was a treat to see one of my favorite Broadway stars as the newest Disney princess. She brought such life and depth to the character.
Since January, the news of Frozen coming to life as a Broadway production continues to be the buzz. And the question everyone is of course wondering… Who will play Elsa? This shouldn’t even be a question! Menzel’s voice IS Elsa. Yes, she may be older than the character she played in the animated movie, but still young enough to play the part—she could TOTALLY pull it off. Menzel gave life to Elphaba on Broadway, and Wicked became a hit because of her fantastic performance. The green-skinned witch is now one of the most sought after roles of all time. Menzel has already made Elsa’s voice a worldwide sensation once, and I believe she can do it again. Are any of you with me on this? Who knows, she just might be the person to introduce a new generation to the magic of musical theatre!

-A kid who likes to shimmer, shine, sparkle and glimmer!Jess-New-Cartoon-Web-140x300

Jes DeGroot

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