Five common mistakes that are scaring away your potential clients!
Did you know you may be scaring away your potential clients!? No one wants that! Here I discuss what I believe are five common mistakes that may be scaring away your potential clients, and also your current ones.
#1 Too much automation
The biggest, scariest mistake is using too much automation. Now you know how much I LOVE automation, BUT if you think automation is going to be this magic pill, you’re mistaken. Automation is amazing, but you have to actually have something that works organically. It works as a human being first, before you add lots of automation to it.
#2 Know your objective and your intention
I cannot say this enough. Everything that you do in your marketing and your sales, you have to have an intention and an objective, AND you want to keep them separate. The only time they may be the same is if you’re making a super, super hard sale. If it’s valuable content that you’re providing, if your intention is to get people on your list, your content is probably going to be bad, and people are going to leave, BUT your objective can be to build your community. You have to go about them differently. If you get the two mixed up, it’s not good.
#3 Keep up with changes
You’ve got to keep up with the changes. If you don’t, you’re going to end up being the one person left on the planet who’s doing creepy evergreen webinars where you’re like, “Wait, let me make sure we have everyone live. Are you live? Okay, you’re live.” And you can tell that it’s fake. Honor your community and keep up with the changes, because even if it means things might be a little sloppy from time to time, you will be much more effective and can serve them better, if you stay ahead of the curve. There is always a new opportunity for new growth, and for you to show up on the top of the news feed, because you’re keeping on top of the changes.
#4 Withholding Information
The more you say, “That’s something we offer in our program. Oh, that’s something we offer in our program. Oh, that’s something just for my team members. Oh, that’s something that…” but don’t actually give value, the more people will be skeptical about what you ACTUALLY have to offer. If you’re selling a product, a sample of your product could be helpful, so people can actually try it, test it out, know that you have real value to provide. Share, give, don’t live in scarcity mindset. Live in abundance, in such a place of abundance, that you trust in the ideal that the more that you give, the more things will come back to you.
#5 Building it FIRST
Whether you are a service-based coach, a real estate agent, or even direct sales. If you are launching a course, a program, a training module for your team, whatever it is, if it is something that you’re going to be selling or bringing people into an opportunity and you build it first, you are missing out on a major opportunity. An opportunity to build a great specialized program, and your sales are potentially not going to do as well.
Sell it first
Instead, use our sell it first method. This is when you build something while you’re delivering it. Once you know what the benefits are of this thing that you’re selling, you can deliver it. Listen and learn from the people who are learning from you, if you do this, you will be able to provide a better product. One thing that I think gets in the way of this is ego. If people are saying, “Hey, I have a question about this and I want more. This is kind of hard for me to follow. Could you explain it to me a little differently?”, and you’re like, “No, this is the only way,” your ego is getting in the way of providing the best product that there actually is.
Do you know what’s going to happen from that? Your sales are going to tank. So, sell it first. Listen to your community and be open to the fact that they’re made. You know you’re an expert in your field and the information that you’re providing is solid, and there’s going to be right and wrong ways to do it, but you want to be open to listening to your community so that you can best serve them. Yes? Yes!
All right, those are the five common mistakes you could be making that are scaring away your potential clients. Yes, they are spooky and scary, but I don’t want you to make them because you will scare your current and potential clients away. If you have made one or all of these mistakes, guess what? It’s okay!! Make adjustments moving forward, it’s all about learning and elevating YOUR awesome!
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Action action.
Hokey smokes! VIP day ??
OK, gotta go get my hair done. So, super stoked! LATER!
I just finished mine and shared it just before this masterclass 🙂
Because you’re awesome!
Signed up with beth for TOMORROW
So exciting!!
Q: how often are these master classes happening? (i.e. when is the sales page open)
Oooh Preparing My acceptance speech – right now
YES! So good.
*rolls up sleeves*
More on Glam dam please.
LOL. Fam!!!
Sometimes the BONUSES make me want to JOIN all over again!!!!
Q: what’s the difference between #glamfam and #camfam?
Glam Fam Glam Man
I am a HUGE fan of the #GLAMFAM
oh lol
#GlamFam! so excited!!
Boom! I’m in!
ohhhh I’m a Cam Fam Cam Man
Just popping in to report 22 comments in about 45 minutes for the black licorice post. LOL
Q: What if we can’t attend the live event in november?
25 comments of Brussels sprouts
Les Brown is the mannnnnnnnn
Get on it!
Bigger program bigger results
Q: will it be lifetime for the monthly payments? Or just the $1997?
Yes, Kassandra! Lifetime access either way!
He’s in Atlanta now woop woop!!!
Yeah, Les Brown is a legendddddd x100000
WUT amazing!!
That’s it.
I am having trouble getting to a page.
In more ways than Molly will ever know, my business has been TRANSFORMED by her coaching and wisdom.
That’s awesome LES BROWN!!! Got an opportunity to meet him personally. That speaks volumes Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer!
CamFam value is WAAAAAY beyond good.
Molly the Brussel Sprouts post I’m shocked I’ve had super engagement from some people who has never posted on my page I’m almost in tears. It works
I remembered that!!
oh no lol
How cool is that Les Brown’s home!
oh nooooo lol
video tech T_T
super coooool
I have started having some REAL conversations since employing the methods taught by Molly Mahoney!!!
I sent you screenshot. Says website coming.
I just joined
I did I’ve engaged back personally it’s sooo amazing
I’ve been using Facebook Live for my paying members. Pumped to use it for new people and lead gen!!
Congrats Craig!!!
I had some trouble
Joey who?
Woohoo! Thanks Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer!!
Q: What if we can’t attend the live event? (I didn’t hear this being answered)
Ooo great question!! We will be live streaming it for those who have tickets and can’t make it!
Joey please DM me, thanks!
Joey lol
The information Molly shares in her masterclasses will blow you away! She truly delivers or should I say over delivers! I think I had about 10-15 pages of notes just from her masterclass alone! She is amazing and super generous and knows her stuff!
Thank you Heather!!!
I learn something amazing every single time I watch one of Molly’s masterclasses. She has taught me how to make real connections with people that has not only helped my business but helped me personally. The entrepreneur life can be a lonely one but now I have started to build this awesome network of biz friends thanks to Molly Mahoney. I have never been part of a more positive and uplifting community!
#CamFam here!
LOVE that you just said that!!
The Death of the Website is coming…. 😀
The best investment into my business, has been the Camera Confidence program. Molly and her team give value, value and more value everyday….and just when you think they are done, BAM!!! more value shows up. <3 I appreciate you, Molly!
heck yes
This masterclass is soooo good. Molly Mahoney does not hold back. She gives real strategies for real results.
I’m sorry I missed you LIVE!
Christine Blosdale ahhhhh! The replay is aaaaalmost like the team thing!
I just love you
Molly’s masterclasses are the best! Well, everything she shares truly is. I always walk away with something of value I can implement immediately. Which means growing my reach, helping more of my people. Thank you Molly for being such a great leader and teacher!
Molly Mahoney and her masterclasses are amazing. I’m so glad I am learning something new and gets me out of my comfort zone and growing – this is a “safe” space and I appreciate Molly’s warmth and knowledge!!! Thank you.
Molly is amazing. World class and just recognized as a leading influencer. And she attracts people to her sphere who give generously of their time and expertise! An incredible mix of leadership and talent attraction! Oh … and she helped my business soar.
Molly Mahoney Rocks