It still surprises me when I learn how many people are not leveraging the power of Live Video. And, more often than not, it is because they are afraid. The fear of what people might think, of what might happen while broadcasting a live video is palpable. And… so common.
Recently, I was chatting with my dear friend, live video expert Ian Anderson Gray, and I learned that he is more of an introvert than an extrovert. Which many people are surprised to learn because of his amazing commitment to live video.
One thing that I hear from a lot of our students is… “Oh! But Molly! You are such an extrovert this must be easy for you!”
So, yeah – I get that there are some aspect of this craziness that might be a little easier for me because of my theater background and general extrovertedness… but, for the most part I’ve had to push through LOADS of fear to get to the comfort level I’m currently at.
This is something I love talking about with Ian because he is soooo real in his approach to moving through the fear and sharing a message with those that need it.
Whether you are looking to summon the courage to go live for the first time, or step into a bigger more expanded level of visibility, I hope you’ll join us as we share 5 Ways to Be Confident on Camera… even if the thought of going live makes you want to throw up. 😉
Are you up for joining us??
And, want to create your own super slick branded FbLive like this one… Grab a 30 day free trial of BeLive today!
#nugget use stories
#nugget – watch it
#nugget go live with a few people
#nugget Facebook setting in “only me”
#nugget instagram stories for practice
#Nugget Use Instagram Story to build confidence. Short Sweet and gone in not time.
Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer – I think we are neighbors. I am in Santa Ana/North Tustin .
no time
#nugget just go live
#nugget follow Molly on multiple platforms to capture more brilliance nuggets!
Can you change the privacy setting after video is finished?
#nugget go live to self first and give 3 positive and 3 tips
#nugget exercise
#nugget vocal exercises
#nugget find support…bring people on the live with you…stretch!
#nugget breathe
#nugget posture
#nugget you are an instrument and you need to warm up
#nugget one-minute voice warmup
#nugget laugh
#nugget 1 minute voice warmups
#nugget warm up
#nugget one minute warm ups
#nugget vocal coloring box!
#nugget be yourself
#nugget create tactic
#nugget pause
#nugget objective. Use different tactics (kiss or kick)
#nugget beat (aahh, I love all of this)
U rock. I may have found my coach!!♥️♥️♥️
Shanti Lleone we would so love to support you!
U rock. I may have found my coach!!
lol it’s hard to take Molly seriously in her serious voice with hearts coming out of her head.
#nugget cricketotopia
#takeaway pause when you think you are going to say UM…
Hi Molly Mahoney ?
Aw, it was so fun. I’m LOVING this conversation!! And haha yes this a great tactic.
Ian PS I knew you could sing but I had no idea could SAANG — such an awesome job at SMMW!
#nugget breath focus & have fun!
#nugget speedy recap for repurposing
#nugget recap to repurpose
Congrats Paula
Congrats Stacy
Omg! Thank you for the great info and free gifts!
Congrats Paula!
Do you recommend going LIVE on biz page only or personal profile? And how often on both?
OK will use Manychats to grow audience too. Thanks Molly and Ian
Just do it!
#nugget Just do it!
Love this!!!!
I was a performer too and I believe that nervous energy is just exhilaration.
Follow your own muse!
Instead of comparing myself to others, I will ‘channel’ others to help me spine up and support my empathetic efforts.
The fear, the gear and what they’ll hear.
Watched #replay
To change your year!!!
That’s awesome!!
Ian – you said you wanted a word for content and marketing that rhymes with fear and gear. What about using:
Ooh, now that is amazing! Thanks so much Dee! Love that so much!