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I first heard this song in 2009 at a fundraiser in New York City called “The Sky is Not Falling.” It was fundraiser for Milwaukee’s Skylight Music Theater, which was having some issues at the time. My husband played in the band and I had several friends who sang as part of a fantastic little cabaret along with the original members of the company of Adam Gwon’s Ordinary Days.

I’m a total sucker for story songs with a moment that knocks you in the gut. Needless to say, I fell in love with this song right away. I’ve been lucky enough to sing it at a few events, and I thought this was the perfect time of year to bring it out again.

It is unbelievable to me that it has been so many years since the attacks on September 11th.  I’m not alone in remembering the details like it was yesterday.

I think this song is such a sweet tribute to the strength of those who survived and those that we sadly lost.

I hope you enjoy.

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