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What is really stopping you from bringing in qualified leads?

If you are like most of my clients, even those that are bringing in multiple 6 figures, it’s probably based in fear. Fear of being visible, fear of the crazy new technology we are now able to use powerfully to connect, or fear because you lack a plan. I get it!

(0:00What is stopping you from bringing in more leads?

(0:20People want to make purchases from those that they love. Your audience and your ideal client can’t fall in love with you if they don’t know who you are!

(1:47Think about what Gary Vanurcheck said. “Most business owners are marketing like it’s 1999!” It’s time to step into the current time we live in and take advantage of free, new, amazing technology.

(1:56People are just afraid to step up and really use it strategically because they are used to doing what they wre told to do with Social Media Marketing, and they keep doing it, even though they might not be working anymore. People are putting all of this effort in but it’s not actually translating to bringing in new leads

(2:30If you could move with the times, you could learn how to connect with your ideal client, bring yourself to the camera and turn your videos into your own brand ambassador

(3:05Be known as the authority in your space so that you are more visible and more credible, then the people that need you most will be in a place where they already love you!

(3:19Live video is the best tool to be able to get into the hands of people who need you most.

If you really want to up your lead generation skills you’ve got to get in on the next Live Video Masterclass.