This stage revenue calculator is sooo cool! Check it out! Let’s try your numbers!
When you check it out, you’ll also see that Pete Vargas of Advance Your Reach has opened his Stage to Scale Program! GAHHHH!
I joined last night! I’m so excited!!!
You may have seen that we have been sharing his free training series. It’s soo good! Major mind blowing moments.
We are honored to be a part of his launch team, sooo we are offering 3 crazy awesome bonuses!
Everyone who joins through our link will also get –
1. We will build you a Speak from the Stage Bot, so that you can easily follow up and lead to sales! $197
2. We will give you access to our Messenger Automation Academy $497
3. Private access to a training with Pete and I where he will dig into my talk and give me feedback so you can learn as I learn! (Scary and Awesome and Priceless!)
I have loved speaking on more stages this year, and I can’t wait to take it to an even higher level!
Bot building
I have a program for 199
That’s looking at 100% sales in the room I’m gathering. Does it also let you put in your own closing rate?
I need to talk to you about what I’m offering!!
What do YOU think I should offer? ?
Depends on what they want a starter bundle is $197
For sure!!! Just learning and setting up so I am doing “trial” group to work out the bugs in November
Yes, collect 32 out of 40 and close 3.2 is what they are basing it on
Lol great minds think alike!!
I haven’t nailed down the NAME of what I’m providing but it’s 15 lessons at $3000
That’s about an 8%
I LOVE the low conversion rate to make it realistic and inspire us to SMASH it!
This one? >>
He is SO much fun to watch SPEAKING! He is EXCITING, passionate, and charismatic.
Wait??? How did I miss the BFF application process??? LOL
What do YOU think I should offer?