What is the Art of CONNECT WORKING!?
Well, we all know that making key connections in your life can lead to growth your business and your sales.
If you were to look back, you would be able to think of that one connection that has been like the starting domino, leading to moment after moment that lead to an achievement and a goal.
Here is the bummer- most people don’t know how to start creating connections without feeling like a salesy weirdo.
That’s where my friend Lou Diamond of Thrive LOUD comes in! He has taught the art of making great connections all over the world.
Here he will be discussing the key to the Art of CONNECT WORKING! Lou’s approach to establishing and maintaining connections is practical, easy to implement and has a history of success. Ready to have an awesome 2020??
It all starts with your V.O.I.C.E.
V-Vision O-Opportunity I-Identity  C- Charisma E- Energy
Molly Mahoney: So let’s jump in to this V.O.I.C.E. framework. The V is for?
Lou Diamond: Vision! Mapping out your game plan for all the ways that you’re going to connect work within the year.
Molly Mahoney:Â I love that! It’s so incredibly helpful to have a vision for your goals! Â After you have your vision you need to??
Lou Diamond:Â Opportunity. Create and look for opportunities that will help you really accomplish your vision. Opportunities, that are going to actually help you to connect, whether online or in person. Where you’re going to spend the time to grow your network through strong, powerful connections.
Molly Mahoney: Creating opportunities! I love it, I love it!  Moving onto the I, which is for?
Lou Diamond: Your Identity, specifically at a particular event. You have to decide if you are a buyer or a seller. At a specific networking event, you have to be one or the other. You can’t be both, it’s too confusing.
- Buyers are those that are taking in stuff. Whether you’re looking to take in information, knowledge, or you’re looking to recruit people, that’s where you’re a buyer.
- Sellers are obviously those there to promote services and offerings to people.
If you try to overlap those things in a single connect working session it confuses people and prevents them from wanting to connect. It is possible to do both at a multiple day session, be a buyer and a seller, but for the most part pick your hat that you wear that day and that’s the identity you own for that connect working event.
Molly Mahoney: I think that’s one of my favorite tips from all of this, so I love it so much. All right. We are moving onto the C and the E which are things that we love here at The Prepared Performer.
Lou Diamond: The C and the E  are for charisma and energy. Which one could rename the Molly Mahoney- lol!  Obviously, nobody wants to connect with the dud. When you go to CONNECT WORK with people, you want to have people that have a little bit of a vibe and actually own their genuine persona and their personality that comes out of you. So you have to have your charisma, you have to bring your A game. You’ve also have to have an energy within your charisma and personality. People are drawn to energy.
That’s it! Be excited about all the possibilities to meet people, because connecting with someone is going to grow your world! Â If you bring that voice together, your V.O.I.C.E, for every connection and event, and you have a strong game plan laid out, you will increase the likelihood of making strong, powerful connections each time you need to CONNECT WORK with other people.
Molly Mahoney: I love it so much and keep in mind, that this is a skill set that can be learned. You may see people like Lou or myself, who walk into a room and they just know how to have the confidence to talk to people. Trust me, that is a skillset.
Lou Diamond: You have to work on it every day, it’s like a workout.
Molly Mahoney:Â EXACTLY!
There ya have it. The Art of CONNECT WORKING with your V.O.I.C.E. want more of what Lou has to give?  Check him out at Thriveloud.com ( don’t forget to grab your copy of Master the Art of Connecting),  follow @thriveloud on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and you can also listen to the ThriveLOUD podcast. We were just featured on his 12/19/19 episode! (Check out that episode here!)
Want more incredible content? We are live every Wednesday on Facebook.
(We’re live sometimes on Thursdays on Facebook too, and we would love to see more of you.)
Also, don’t forget to check out our post about how to stand out and attract more leads!
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Molly: keep pushing water
Seeing from different perspectives and activation.
I need to narrow my super power!
Find your closets peeps and ask them for 5-7 words that describes you
Ask for 5 – 7 words that define me as an individual
Yes. Wanda Baader that’s my thing too.
Let’s work on this on today’s Zoom.
And do the same of self
#nugget – collect words from others that define you
#nugget figure out how others see you, don’t just rely on what YOU think is how people see you.
Yes! I love your energy!
#boldgold oh my energy is my superpower
I understand, very interesting Lou!
#nugget ask your peeps a word that describes you
Its contagious
Yes, I had to come to terms with the fact that I’m not everyone’s jam!
#nugget – lead with your superpower
Love that. Voice.
Love Speedy recap
#nuggett-be yourself
Lou can you pretend to be on the cell phone while Molly does the intro
Blooper roll from this one is going to rock.
Put your hand my your ear
Vision. Map game plan
Opportunities to connect.
#nugget- find out what others think of you
DUDE! Bunch of Professionals !!!
3 goals
3 goals. Love it. Buyer or seller.
#nugget – Find your VOICE. V for Vision, O for Opportunity, I for Identity, C for Charisma, E for energy
#nugget you can have fun while talking about serious issues.
Identify. Buyers taking in. Sellers to promote.
Charisma & Energy. The Molly Mahoney. Love it.
#nugget – you have to have a pulse
Charisma/ Energy
Don’t be a dud. Be more like Molly
ConnectWork. Love it. Speak Life with your VOICE!!
Thrive Loud
Thanks, Lou
Thank you Lou and Molly!!!
Congrats Nancy!!!
Congrats Nancy!
Yes. Loving it.
Be BOLD You!
Book ordered. Can’t wait to read it!!!
Thrive Out Loud. Love it.
Cindy Lou
Cindy Lou Who?
You can hear their passion when they light up.
My super power is providing a safe space where women feel comfortable enough to break through their fears.
I’ve done this exercise and it’s amazing, life changing.
See yourself through the eyes of others for others see the real you.
Some of my clients are with me BECAUSE of my energy. It’s very interesting.