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Update Your Book!

Summer is officially here—WOOHOO!! Yes, I am looking forward to lots of free time, but I also want to make sure I’m on top of my acting career. With auditions popping up all over the place, it had me thinking… I NEED to bring my Audition Book up to date ASAP! My headshots that were taken a year ago already look dated! I guess that’s how it is for a growing teen! And as I continue to work on new songs for my repertoire, I realized I haven’t been very good about getting them into my Book. So I’ve picked up more reflection-free page protectors and added fresh copies of the sheet music I use. I’ve also added an updated vocal track cd for those auditions that pop up where one is needed.  The one thing I do keep regularly updated is my resumé. BUT, I realized that my Book had run out of stock. Yikes!! So my resumés have now been restocked. Whew!

I’ve also been working on something else I want added to my Book—a list of beat-change verbs (aka tactics). For me, action verbs are particularly helpful to use on my sheet music when working through a scene—just a little tip my wonderful vocal coach taught me. : ) I’ve decided it NEEDS to be in my Book for those nervous moments at an audition when I’m handed a new piece of music or reading material on the spot. Sometimes I totally draw a blank when I need to think on my feet, and I think this handy little tool will be of great help for me. I thought I’d post it here for any of you who might like a copy as well. – Click here for 125 Beat Change Tactics (Verbs)

Keeping an up-to-date Book is not always at the top of my list, but it’s so NECESSARY to be ready at all times. I would hate to be up for the perfect role and realize I’ve forgotten my resumé!

-A kid who likes to shimmer, shine, sparkle and glimmer!Jess-New-Cartoon-Web-140x300

Jes DeGroot

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