Lots of powerful business boosting magic happening this week!
We’ll have free trainings about Speaking on Stage to build your biz, Building Facebook Communiites, and we are prepping for our first ever upcoming live event! Go Live and Monetize Live!
Which are you most looking forward to? Watch this video for more info!
Ohhh how do you premier a video
This Premier was so fun! And, so short! Haha!
Here’s info about the goodness mentioned int he video MONDAY at 10am PT – How to use Speaking on Stage to Scale Your Biz with Pete Vargas!
WEDNESDAY at 9am PT – How to Build FB Communities with FB Rockstar Geriann Wiesbrook over at BeLive.tv
NOV. 2-3 – Go Live and Monetize LIVE There’s still a few tickets left. Stop waiting to create your video marketing system, get out and make it happen with our support! http://www.GLAMlive.live