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prepared performerThis questions comes from a super talented performer, Kerry Melachouris who has also been seen at the GLVJ! (Our Monthly Broadway Themed Open Mic Night.)  Here’s Kerry’s website –  I love that Kerry asked this question, because we often focus on the younger performers, but there’s so many of us who aren’t in our early 20s anymore! It’s hard to think “older actor” sometimes… but it’s something that we can totally use to our favor! Celebrate exactly where and what you are!

If you have a question you’d like to send into our favorite talent agent, Anthony Boyer – you can submit at www.AskanAgent.Today!

QUESTION: What do you look for in potential clients who are older?

Answer from Anthony Boyer, Agent with DDO:

I have one big answer to this question: I want to fall in love. When I fall in love with a potential client, it makes it very easy to pick up the phone, or send an email, and tell all of my friends in casting and production about them. If I don’t love someone’s work, it’s really hard to get motivated to battle for them. What I love about someone varies from client to client, but it’s what a good friend of mine calls, “your genius,” or what Molly might call your “quesadilla recipe.” It’s different for everyone. But I want to see something in you that excites me.

Beyond that, there are very practical issues I look for, as well. Do I already have a lot of people in your category? Are you working regularly? Do people in the industry know who you are? Are you currently in class? How are your materials (your headshot, resume, book, video, etc.)? How much would I enjoy working with you? Is anything coming up on the horizon that I think you’re right for? How successful do I think I would be with you? How far can I see us going together in the industry?
Putting together a roster is always a puzzle. Each piece needs to complement the other pieces, and we’re always evaluating and re-evaluating how our pieces fit together. [bctt tweet=”Putting together a roster is always a puzzle. Each piece needs to complement the other pieces, and we’re always evaluating and re-evaluating how our pieces fit together. – Anthony Boyer”]That’s why sometimes, someone may not be a fit right now, but I begin a relationship because my puzzle pieces will shift over time. I recently signed two people, both of whom first auditioned for me over a year ago. It wasn’t a fit then, but we kept in contact and it eventually made sense for me and for them to start working together.
Hope that’s helpful, thank you for the question!
– Anthony Boyer