I hear this ALL THE TIME! So many of my clients and students have amazing careers that leave them traveling the world and a consistent content plan is just not possible. This becomes and issue, especially when I keep saying – YOU HAVE TO BE CONSISTENT. : ) If haven’t heard me say that, you may want my killer Video Content Plan. Just comment below with the word PLAN and I’ll send it to you. Now – let’s take a deeper look. Do you really have to be consistent? Today I’m going to show you 5 Steps to Creating a Live Video Content Plan When Consistency is not Possible.
Notifications rock lol
YES!!! So true!!!
Stop selling; start caring.
Can’t wait to review the bot training again in Camera confidence. Plus private session!!!
Thanks friend!
I sent you a message about bots, I need help. (I know you probably get a ton of messages.)
ah love this!!! create surprises!!! yeee
Love it!! Special guests yasss
Surprises like a nose bleed right b4 live and talking about it lol. Me last night!!
I have started doing valuable videos with my husband and people love seeing him with me.
Haha! That’s funny Deb!
OMG that is a great idea!!
My wife won’t go live with me 🙁 she will watch and comment though
I keep trying to get my boyfriend to go live with me…he hasn’t yet. People LOVE LulaBro’s for some reason!
Ooh, Will! I have an idea for you. Let’s get in touch!
Thanks Molly!!
Have a good flight!
Have fun!
Lou – my husband doesn’t like it, but I told him that it will help me grow my business and being in more money.
Thanks Molly!
Enjoy your family!!
Thank you Dahling! ?
You rock, Molly.
see ya!!!!
Lost track of time!
Thanks Molly
Tina Marques
Joe N Britt DiMercurio
Hi ??
I heard so much about you
Thank you for inspiring so many of us!
I’m finally consistent in my FB Lives
Yes, it works GREAT! Just got it!
Thank you Beth! Molly is Awesome ?
Got it
Love ❤️ your necklace!
Not frozen
Beth is Super!!!
How is your video clarity image so good? Do you use your phone to go live?
I love starting my Monday with your fun as hell brilliance!?❤️?
Is humor of value?
Thank you for your energy Molly!
Awesome lessons I took away (not your steps):
1. Life first
2. Turn problems into possibilities BY INTEGRATING them into my brand! E.g. traveling at an exotic place with no WIFI is an adventure which shows my followers I live what I preach: A magical life!
Special personal one: Being not perfect is part of my brand turning ‘perfectionistic Super Women into non-perfect yet happy fulfilled Über Women’
3. Make each video valuable
4. Don’t allow life, resistances nor fears to stop me going live = being in service by giving value
5. Set up my technology that it is portable and always ready
Thank you Molly Mahoney, you rocked it today for me!
It worked
it is!
great idea
Florida here! ?❤?
What about posting recorded videos are reposting old lives??