by Molly Mahoney | May 24, 2016 | Acting, Auditions, Business
SHOULD I LOOK FOR AN AGENT AFTER GRADUATION? Ask an Agent 6 With many performing arts students graduating and and looking to join the ranks of other professional performers, Terry Dopson’s question about getting an agent after graduation is a great one!...
by Molly Mahoney | Feb 13, 2016 | Acting, Business, Musical Theatre
The Cure for the Starving Artist Syndrome Part 1: Make More Money and Make A Difference I’m on a mission to help cure the Starving Artist Syndrome! Join me Saturday mornings at 8:30 there is a cure! Spread the word. #cure4sas Here’s this weeks broadcast....
by Molly Mahoney | Feb 8, 2016 | Breathing, Singing
Everyone is raving about Lady Gaga’s performance of the National Anthem. I totally agree that it was pretty powerful. BUT – I want to take that awesome and use it to show you how you can give powerful performances as well! I love that I was talking to my...
by Molly Mahoney | Jan 15, 2016 | Business
So you started up a side business to supplement your performance career (oh, you haven’t done that yet? Well, then you really need to see THIS. Or maybe you’re still putting all the pieces together, but you’re well on your way to earning side income from your own...
by Molly Mahoney | Jan 6, 2016 | Balance
Work Life Balance… is something most of us struggle with. We yank out our hair trying to maintain some sort of control pulling at all sides to remain in the middle. Recently within a 24 hour span, two separate forward thinkers mentioned a different approach to...